Unlike other herd animals, the Buffalo possesses a unique trait that I admire greatly. When bad weather approaches other herd animals turn and run away, thus increasing their exposure to the harsh elements. BISON, however, turn and face the thunderhead. Squaring their shoulders to it, they walk headlong INTO THE STORM. They face the hard; tilling the ground with their hooves as they move, allowing the seed to take root. Their mere existence improving the land behind them.
When I first learned about this I knew I wanted to be the Buffalo. To face the difficult head first in hopes of sunny skies coming sooner but also leaving the world and those around me better than I found them. This is why I started Mayhem. Because the world is Mayhem and we are the Buffalo.
The story, and the name, are not unique to me. They are in fact inspired by a person I’ve never met who runs a buffalo farm I’ve never been to. If imitation is the best form of flattery, I hope if he ever sees this, not only is he flattered but proud of what he has inspired.
Just like the work we do is not unique to us; you can find machine shops on every corner. What I hope you find with us is something different. That personal connection. That feeling of knowing that your work is truly appreciated and that you experience something different when you chose us. When your life is better because you allowed us to know you, THEN you have experienced MAYHEM.
1 Chronicles 4:10
- Matt